


[Jan-08Completion of certificate acquisitions


[Nov-15]  Achieved 2nd place in the Antalpha Crypto Market Simulation Competition from ICAIF'24

[Nov-8]  Achieved the Outstanding Paper Award from KORMS (Korean Management Science Review)

[Sep-23]  Won industry research projects  |  Korea Credit Information Services (KCIS) & Woori Finance Research Institute (WFRI)

  • Analysis of the Latest Global Trends in Research on Artificial Intelligence in Finance (WFRI)

[Aug-31]  Completion of the M.Sc. degree programs

[Aug-01]  Won a government research grant  |  National Research Foundation of Korea

[Jun-26]  Achieved the recognition in the Stage 1 of the International Quant Championship from the WorldQuant

[May-01]  Won an industry research project  |  LG Electronics

[Apr-08]  Won an industry research project  |  KBank

[Mar-04Industry Internship Training

[Mar-01]  Won an industry research project  |  FnDataLab

[Feb-29]  Completion of the undergraduate RA program

[Feb-01]  An oldboy returned to the lab as an undergraduate RA

[Jan-31]  Completion of the undergraduate RA program

[Jan-19]  Selected as an industry-academic scholarship student

[Jan-18]  Selected for a short-term study abroad program

[Jan-01The laboratory has been renamed as the Financial Innovation & Decision Analytics (FINX) Lab


[Sep-11]  Completion of the undergraduate RA program

[Sep-01]  Two new graduate students & one undergraduate RA joined the lab

[Aug-31]  Completion of the undergraduate RA program

[Aug-01]  A new undergraduate RA joined the lab

[Jul-11Won an industry consulting project  |  S-Oil (w/ FastCampus)

[Jul-03New undergraduate RAs joined the lab

[Jul-01Won an industry research project  |  Confidential

[Jun-09Won an industry research project  |  Hyundai Glovis

[Jun-01]  Won a government research grant  |  National Research Foundation of Korea

[May-13Achieved an award from a student research competition  |  KSIE(한국산업경영시스템학회)

[May-01Won an industry research project  |  FnDataLab

[Apr-01]  Won a research contract  |  Gyeongsangbuk-do Government

[Feb-28]  Completion of the Post-doc and M.Sc. degree programs

[Feb-01]  A new undergraduate RA joined the lab


[Aug-31]  Completion of the undergraduate RA program

[Jul-11]  Won an industry research project  |  IOI Soft

[Jul-04]  Won an industry research project  |  Dunamu

[Jul-01]  Won an industry research project  |  Hyundai Glovis

[Jul-01]  Engaged in a research contract  |  KOFPI(한국임업진흥원)

[Jun-13]  Won an industry consulting project  |  S-Oil (w/ FastCampus)

[Mar-08]  Deputy Director Appointment

[Mar-01]  Won an internal research fund  |  Hanyang University

[Feb-28]  Completion of the undergraduate RA program

[Feb-07]  Won an industry research project  |  Confidential

[Jan-03]  Industry Internship Training

[Jan-01]  A new undergraduate RA joined the lab


[Oct-01]  Won an industry research project  |  Hyperlounge

[Sep-01]  A new undergraduate RA joined the lab

[Sep-01]  Won a government research grant  |  National Research Foundation of Korea

[Jul-30]  Update to a student's degree program status

[Jun-01]  Won a government research grant  |  National Research Foundation of Korea

[May-01]  Engaged in a research contract  |  KOFPI(한국임업진흥원)

[Apr-27]  Won a student research competition  |  DB Foundation(DB김준기문화재단)

[Mar-29]  Won an industry research project |  Hyundai Glovis

[Mar-01]  Three new graduate students joined the lab

[Feb-28]  Completion of the Post-doc & undergraduate RA program


[Dec-31]  Completion of the undergraduate RA program

[Dec-04]  Progress in certificate acquisitions

[Sep-25]  Won a student research competition  |  SCGF(서울신용보증재단)

[Sep-01]  Won the BK21 Four as a departmental government research fund  |  National Research Foundation of Korea

[Sep-01]  Won an internal research fund  |  Hanyang University

[Sep-01]  A new researcher, two new graduate students, and two new undergraduate RAs joined the lab

[Mar-01]  A new graduate student joined the lab

[Jan-01]  Proceeded a supplementary contract on an industry research project  |  Hyundai Glovis w/ Polarium


[Sep-01]  Won an industry research project |  Hyundai Glovis w/ Polarium

[Sep-01]  Won an internal research fund  |  Hanyang University

[Sep-01]  Proceeded a government research grant  |  National Research Foundation of Korea

[Sep-01]  Appointment & opening of the Lab